Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sugar lower yesterday than past 3 weeks!

Well, on my quest to lower my blood sugar numbers and eat less processed foods I was somewhat successful yesterday afternoon. I decided to eat an apple and peanut butter sandwich with raisins. I figured it would make my sugar go up because of all the natural sugars, but I was wrong....VERY WRONG. Roughly two hours after eating lunch my sugar dropped to 65. Now, 65 is not a terrible number but it isn't a great number either. It is too low; especially for someone who has not been less than 70 in no telling how long! It made me feel TERRIBLE. I was shaking and nautious. And honestly, it took a while for it to come back up one it hit me. I do not reccommend getting sugar that low! I probably needed more protein.

For dinner last night we grilled chicken breasts without the bone and fresh corn. I roasted new potatoes in some of our dried herbs (thyme and rosemary), and I steamed fresh green beans that we got out of our garden. I also cut up a side of fresh tomatoes and it was delicious. The first tomato out of my garden this year! It was a pretty plate and had I remembered to take my medicine after dinner like I normally do my sugar wouldn't have gotten as high as 172 like it did before I remembered to take my medicine! Oh well...live and learn. It is very difficult to remember to take 3 different medicines at 3 different times a day. I am learning. I want my sugar under control!

 I forgot to put the corn on my plate before taking a photo! 

And what was my fasting sugar this morning?? 117! That is the BEST it has been since over a month ago when it started to go up again. I'm happy with 117, but it could be better....I had it to 109 before that. So, less processed foods are doing me a good bit better!

We are taking this one step and one less processed food at a time. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Real Food Dinners

This week I have cooked a couple real food meals. Both of these meals came from "100 Days of Real Food." I started by printing Lisa Leake's menu plans and buying items from the grocery store that I would need. However, once I tried homemade granola, which was excellent, I quickly learned that it spikes my sugar. I think it may be the combination of honey and large amount of rolled oats. Both items have a low GI, but I am very sensitive to foods as my doctor likes to tell me. I won't be making the granola again although it was VERY tasty. I am learning which real foods I can and can not eat. This is definitely going to be a real journey!

The FIRST dinner I made was the "Pork Carnitas." They were very good! My husband even enjoyed them. I found them to be a little more greasy than I was used to in my short months of diet change, but I know that some fats are okay because our body needs fat in order for our brain to work. We just have to have it in moderation. And, the key to any good diet is moderation anyway. I am learning that when we eat real food we are able to eat less as well, so the whole moderation thing really lives up to its name when eating this way!

The SECOND dinner I made was the "Pork Quessidilla" in Menu 4: Summer meal plan. Basically you use leftover pork from the previous night's meal and use Monterrey cheese in the corn tortillas. My husband LOVED them and thought he would need more than 2, but he DID NOT! Real food is more filling!
 These were very tasty with sour cream and salsa on the top. I will admit that the salsa was some that I had on hand already. It is not considered a real food because it is processed, but like I said....taking it slow!