Sunday, June 26, 2011

No-Sew Fleece Doggie Bed

I loved this tutorial from Craftster! I pulled out my scrap fleece and started making a bed for my dog right away since she has destroyed her store-bought bed! She's a very rambunctious year old puppy. I did not do the round pattern as suggested, I decided to try and make a rectangular bed. However, after getting halfway through the cutting I realized that the bed would be smaller than anticipated. I continued however to make the bed since I do have a smaller 6 year old Chihuahua. Once completed with the knot tying, I decided to stuff it with a used pillow from our house. It worked out perfectly! However, the BIG PUPPY wants the bed! HAHAHA! I'm going to have to work on it and make it larger---probably 2 pillows wide.

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